Having SEO Certification doesn’t stamp guaranteed results as all SEO practitioners are not the same. The digital marketing experts or even business experts have understood it well that SEO serves as a foundation for all other online marketing practices such as SMO, PPC, SMM or even Social Media Marketing. The various online channel marketing experts, i.e., Facebook marketer, YouTube marketer, and even Instagram marketer also agree to this fact.
To be an SEO expert, one needs to develop a diverse skill set but here are certain globally accepted the must-have skills of SEO Practitioners. Following let’s check out these, one by one.
Google Lover
Not sure if this is skill or preference of a person, but if you dream of being an SEO expert, you have to give Google a big room in your heart as well as the brain. The entire SEO revolves around search engine results and Google is the prime player with some other globally used search engines like Yahoo and Bing. If you can master Google guidelines then conquering other search engines will be a cake walk for you. Google is known to roll out updates now and then to improve its search results quality. Every word announced by Google related to search engine results, working, performance, algorithm matters. Staying abreast with Google guidelines, subscribing to its various newsletters, joining communities can help you grow in SEO, SMO field expectedly fast.
Research & Analytical Approach
SEO professionals can do well if they are good at research and pulling out data for analysis. Google analytic is the best tool to get tons of information about your client websites. Research on a given business, industry, its competitors, sale trends, search trends any latest updates all these needs to be considered before you finalize any strategy for your project. The analysis of the data pulled out from your research session goes hand in hand. The combination of Research & Analysis is the backbone of any SEO campaign
Critical Brain
An SEO professional who thinks critically could product best results. Regular analysis of Google guidelines, updated and a keen eye on how Google – bot is picking up results need to be understood well. This way he can also somewhat predict Google’s next move and can make himself prepared enough for the same. The SEO specialist should have a curiosity for these three questions:
- What happened?
- Why Happened?
- How can I exploit it for my benefit?
Good Reading And Writing Skills
Here the reading and writing skills don’t reflect an SEO professional or digital marketing expert ability to deliver any speech or writing blog/articles for his project. An SEO professional is supposed to make at least his fellow team understand the research, analysis and project scope on which they all are bound to work together. An SEO should be enough convincing that he can make his team members and client understand about various tasks and this needs team meetings, client communication, writing case studies and even preparing PowerPoint presentations.
Technical & Programming Skills
Many SEO professionals are doing well in their job without even having a bit of knowledge about programming skills. But believe me a well-versed or having enough experience to manage the backend of various websites could get you a kickass job. Working with Cpanel, FTP details, adding metadata, image optimization, URL redirection, checking and removing canonical issues, etc. can provide you an upper hand. Moreover, having technical and programming skills can help you in doing on-page SEO in just a few hours after getting the website backend access without even depending upon the developers or client.
Team Player
Last but not least, an SEO expert should be a team player and should know well how to manage its team. Here the team includes his fellow workers and the client. Having people skill will ensure smooth running for the project. Most of the time the client doesn’t understand how SEO goes, and this could also be the case with your team members as well. They might not realize your vision; being an expert, you are bound to pull everyone on the same page. Just communicating your point of view verbally to your team is not enough; you have to define it in a way that can encourage your team as well as the client that SEO results will happen as expected and well in time.
The SEO expert should have a combination of these skills. One might not have all these attributes but developing or learning to get maximum required skills set is what could make them valuable.
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