Leveraging Instagram ads for your business is a duck-soup and needs no explanation as such. The fact, on average more than one billion people work on Instagram every month itself tells the story.
A recent social media marketing survey stated that the engagement graph of Instagram is now taller than both Facebook and Twitter.
All such facts have made it vital to advertise on Instagram if you wish to lead the online competition. If you are not investing in Instagram Ads; you are missing a massive chunk of potential profit.
But what exactly should be your Instagram strategy? How should you proceed with Instagram Ads?
This post will address all such queries and related topics. Here we have come with “A guide to Advertise on Instagram” to make your concept more clear.
Let’s roll the ball.Defining Instagram Ads
Instagram advertising is a practice of posting paid/sponsored content on the Instagram platform. It helps to reach the massive targeted audience. Instagram advertising is usually used to increase brand exposure, website traffic, getting leads, and converting leads into sales.
The exciting part is; since Facebook owns Instagram and nor both are integrated. The Instagram Ads. can be managed by F.B Ad manager; you can divert your FB traffic to Instagram and Vice a Versa. The ultimate benefit will be to your business website and boosted sales.
What About Instagram Ads Cost?
How can we ignore this part; costing is the prime factor to choose or discard something. These are considered a bit costly if compared to Facebook advertising or Twitter Ads, but the Instagram Ads engagement graph is much higher.
So people do not hesitate to invest in Instagram Ads. In a detailed analysis of an Instagram Ad campaign having more than $300 million of ad spend; concluded the average cost-per-click to be around $0.70 – $0.80.
The Instagram advertising model is based on CPC (cost-per-click) and CPM’s (cost per impression). Many other factors are contributing to finalizing the Ad cost — Instagram’s ad auction, audience feedback, etc.
What type of Instagram Ads Should I Choose?
Fortunately, Instagram offers extensive options for Ad formats; so that brand can choose as per their products and services. There are primarily five types of Instagram Ads available:
- Stories ads
- Photo ads
- Video ads
- Carousel ads
- Collection ads
The Story Ads live for 24 hrs. That gives you chances to post a new story daily. You can share your message or update to millions of users via this option.
Instagram is considered as the best photo display platform. If you want to convince your audience with the visual effect, then choose photo ads will be the best option.
You can’t deny the fact that Instagram users love video. The ground-level reality is user spending time watching videos on Instagram is going up with every passing year. To let people leverage the video ads; Instagram has made it easier for advertisers to use Video Ads for their brands.
The carousel ads allow the user to combine a mix of images +video to create a carousel. Along with a “Call to Action,” this ad helps in pushing people to take some action.
Collection Ad is recently added format in Instargm Ad copies. It combines the endowment of photos, videos, and direct-response marketing option in a single advertisement. Having so much to showcase in this format makes it a powerful one.
Creating & Running Instagram Ad
Now when you have got a clear idea about Instagram Ad, its costing and format- you can now easily create and run an effective ad campaign. While you set up your Instagram Ad campaign, there are some other factors that you should also consider. The following check these out.
- Start while focusing on your goal first. Be clear what you want to target, i.e., business sales, brand awareness, or launch of a new product.
Choose appropriate Ad type as per your campaign goal, i.e., collection Ads works well for boosting sales, whereas image Ads go suitable for featuring new products.
Know your audience first. Keep track of their active schedule, their response time, the format they react to, and the stuff they like the most on your page/profile.
Hashtags play a vital role in Instagram search results, use hashtags wisely along with the text, images, and URL in your Ads.
Instagram Ads provides a lot many “Call to Action” button along with each Ad format. Be wise while picking up the right one to enhance the effectiveness of your Ad copy.
Select only HD quality images and videos while creating any Ad copy — no matter which Ad format you decide to go with.
Decide and invest the budget only after analyzing the keywords and CPC properly. An under budget or over budget campaign can only get you to face losses.
Connect your Instagram ad campaign with Facebook Ad manager to make it easy to handle.
Depending upon your audience active response time; schedule your Ads and also select the Ads placement.
Go!! Get Instagram Work for Your Brand!!
Instagram isn’t too hard to learn, but advertising on this demands attentive minds and lots of homework. Along with a clear understanding of your goal, target audience, and the business; you also need to scrutinize the Instagram platform.
Remember if worked well, you have chances of running a successful Instagram Ad campaign that could get you unexpected ROI.