How To Use Instagram To Grow Your E-Commerce Business?

How To Use Instagram To Grow Your E-Commerce Business?Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms nowadays and is also a promising social media marketing tool. Instagram is the epitome of “Less is more” as it allows few options such as a square picture, Hashtags, and text while posting on your Instagram page. These options are decidedly less in comparison to other social media platforms.

On the other hand, we can’t even deny the fact that over last few years Instagram has gained its popularity among social media platforms and have bagged millions of users to showcase their personal or professional interests through these three options only.

How To Use Instagram To Grow Your E-Commerce Business?

If Instagram has such limited options then how come people are making E-Commerce sales over Instagram? But believe me, people did and are doing, want to learn how? Read this post till the end.

You need to be a little tricky with these limited Instagram options and can grow your E-commerce sales manifold in actuality. Let’s dive in to learn how.

Image Branding

Post Images that will help you to build a trustworthy brand, consistency adequate trust. Try to narrate a story through your images about your products and brand and follow the same aesthetics while posting the following pictures.

Using same color scheme and look and feel itself adds into running trail. People like consistency and with time they trust your brand and tend to purchase with you.

Images should be compelling enough to convert visitors into customers either by making sales or at least by generating leads.

Tag Product For Direct Shopping

Make your Instagram post or page visit a sales channel for your business by tagging each product directly to the shopping cart or final purchase page on your website.

Let people experience a convenient shopping experience with your Instagram product post. The painless shopping experience increases the chances of visitors return and repeat purchase from you.

Make your Social media channel as your business sales channel.

Practice Hashtag Marketing

Along with a social media platform, Instagram is a search engine as well and works like Google algorithm. As Google looks for keywords, Instagram looks for Hashtags. Thanks, Lord we can use Hashtags.

Try to use the popular Hashtag to get a position in the search results, but if you don’t use any Hashtag, you will never show up in the search made by people on Instagram. For any search Instagram comes up with two result categories first one is “Top Posts” and second is “Recent Posts.”

Using Hashtags in description sections is the best practice; you can use up to 30 Hashtags in a post, huh…. pretty much. Sign up with Iconosquare to find out the popular and trending Hashtags.

Beautiful And Inspirational Posts

Posting HD pictures, inspiration, and exciting stuff on your Instagram account can attract an audience. A picture doesn’t just mean something clicked on mobile or just clicking your product picture and throwing them on Instagram. The beautiful and inspirations picture defines an artwork.

Instagram was launched as a platform to share pictures, so sharing relevant, interesting and attractive pictures are vital for brand awareness. Say thanks to so many free apps available to beautify your clicks.

Connect IG With Other Social Media

Every business expert understands the power of social media and social media marketing, thus makes his business presence overall popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. It is advisable to connect your IG account with your other social media platform to pull out your audience from other platforms.

For example Post, your recently launched product pictures on Facebook shop created on your Facebook page and sent the buying link to your Instagram; this will you have pulled your customer from Facebook to Instagram where he can explore your more products, and this increases chances of your sales.

Analyze Your Efforts

Tracking and analyzing your efforts and your post performance is must in every social media marketing campaign you run, same applies to Instagram marketing campaigns as well.

You should have a clear idea your ROI over investment you made in creating, posting and attending your audience over Instagram.

Even if you have not bought any paid audience or run any paid Instagram ad marketing campaign, you have invested your time, and that is the biggest asset.

Just signup with Iconosquare with your Instagram account and you will have plenty of clear and easy to understand data about, which post got maximum likes or comments from your audience, about the best hours when people responded maximum. All such data can help you to design a better strategy for increasing business sales.

Try to practice a maximum of these suggestions for a promising growth in sales chart for your e-commerce Store through Instagram. An experienced Instagram marketer can generate significant business leads and sales by designing and running an Instagram marketing campaign effectively.

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