Some Awesome Instagram Marketing Tips

Some Awesome Instagram Marketing TipsIt is no longer a secret that you should be active on Instagram to grow your business. Having more than  500 million users; it is one of the most effective social media platforms to connect to your potential audience.

Instagram has also proved to be one of the great digital marketing platforms for all business sizes. To get maximum benefits from Instagram; your Instagram marketing strategy should be compelling enough.

Most businesses tend to take the social media marketing concept very casual; as if just posting updates can get them business or sales. Whereas the real-picture is it needs lots of time and effort to find the perfect mix of elements, time, and money to develop a result-oriented strategy.

Here we have come up with some easy yet practical Instagram marketing tips that can help to grow your business over Instagram.

Use It From Business Perspective

If you wish to get your business benefited from Instagram, then use it as your business portfolio platform. Either get started with an Instagram Business Account, or you can even switch your personal (account) current running account to the business one.

There is an option available with the name “Switch to Business Profile”; use this to convert to a business account.

Having Business account offers some quick and straightforward benefits such as user can contact you with a single click.

The Power of Free Instagram Tools

Like Facebook analytics, Instagram analytics is also a power packet of tools. You can study in detail about how people are interacting with your business on Instagram and how further you can improve it.

  • You can keep track of user interactions
  • Your audience best response time.
  • The fruitful hours; in terms of your audience being present over Instagram.
  • The way your audience respond to your post and what they love to respond to.

Never Forget Hashtags

Using an interactive and trending hashtag is an excellent idea to build instant engagement — just be assured that you are appropriately using them.

Using trending hashtags get you placed in the search result for related keywords. Your post and comments with trending hashtags give ample opportunity to get exposed to millions of users; who are not even following you currently.

If you have some excellent tagline or message that is quite known among users; you can make it as a hashtag. Using such hashtags by your current customers will expose your brand to new users on their list as well- a sort of FREE ADVERTISING.

Practice Product/SalesTeaser Posts

How about the idea of providing information about the product in a way that user feel the urge to buy it from you? Whereas you should not try to be pushy or ask them directly to make any purchase. Instagram is an excellent advertising platform; find the right mix of Ad copy and format to attract your customers to buy your products.

Post a lucrative image of your product along with a catchy/useful tagline; to make people think about asking or buying the same.

Don’t Ignore Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories are the best way to generate leads. It helps you to keep your audience stay updated with what you want them to know.

Insta stories are different from the regular post on your profile; they appear in a “slideshow” format.

They live for 24 hours only but can be saved and reused later if required.

This feature is a synonym to Snapchat Stories and appears in a small window above the newsfeed.

For letting your audience know the not-so-important news about your brand; Insta stories are the best option.

Concentrate On Audience Engagement

No matter how much quality post you are doing if your audience does not engage with it. The prime focus of any digital marketing campaign is to get your targeted audience attention.

  • Make sure you know your audience; to whom you are feeding posts on your profiles.
  • Keep an eagle eye how your audience interacts with your business page, Ads, and regular post.
  • Emphasis on making your audiences Like share, or comment on your posts.
  • Make sure you post what your audience love to check out.
  • Write the post in first voice; to let people feel that a one-to-one interaction between him and the company.

Invest in Instagram Sponsored Ads

Putting your hard-earned money in paid ads is not a bad idea when you know that the ROI is quite promising. “Money begets Money”; Instagram is the epitome for this phrase.

The experts believe that there are 80% chances that you will get more ROI than what you had expected while investing in Insta Ads.

For any new business or new product line you have launched; using Insta, paid advertising could be an intelligent choice.


Undoubtedly, Instagram has dominated the digital marketing world. Use this platform sensibly, and you can grow your business in real terms.

Plan before you post and do not forget to analyze your performance on Instagram.

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